Welcome To Our Table: De-Polarizing Plant vs. Animal Based Diets

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Whether you prefer plant-based meals or animal-based meals, the Always Hungry plan is proud to accommodate to your needs and make recipes suitable for you.

The Case for a Low-Carb Diet is Stronger Than Ever

Does overeating really cause weight-gain? Or, do we have it completely backwards? Discover the science and research behind a low-carb diet with Dr. Ludwig.

Is Exceptional Control of Type 1 Diabetes Possible with a Low-Carbohydrate Diet?

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Can the AH Solution help you control Type 1 Diabetes? Discover the science and research behind a low-carb diet, and its relationship to diabetes.

Interview With Dr. Ludwig and Chef Dawn – Watch

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Get an insiders view of the Ludwigs in this rare interview together, as they talk about Always Hungry? and Redefining Medicine.

Always Hungry? – National on PBS!

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Watch Dr. David Ludwig illuminate the concepts of his best-selling book Always Hungry? with a live audience. Support PBS for a range of premium products.

Meet the Next Generation of AH Chefs! | George Brown College

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Meet the next generation of chefs creating Always Hungry meals! The students at George Brown College have worked to bring you recipes that fit AH ratios!
Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes and The Always Hungry Program

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Explore how you can support your Type 1 Diabetes with the Always Hungry Book Program written by endocrinologist and Harvard Professor, Dr David Ludwig

Sea Vegetables: Nature’s Mineral Supplement

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Sea Vegetables are a delicious and highly nutritious superfood. Discover a few recipes (and a video) for incorporating them into your regular routine.

Video – Dr. Ludwig’s Lecture at George Brown College

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A rare opportunity to view one of Dr. David Ludwig's professional lectures. Watch as he explains the science behind his bestselling book, ALWAYS HUNGRY?

Adapting to Fat on a Low-Carb Diet

Adapting to a lower carb diet? AH doesn't restrict carbs as Atkins or ketogenic diets, but the body still needs time to attain full metabolic benefits.